· Injury Evaluation and Treatment
· Injury Prevention
· Therapeutic Massage
· Gait Training (Crutch, Cane, and Walker)
· Balance Training
· Therapeutic Exercises
· Joint Mobilization/Manipulation
· Mobility Work
· Trigger Point Therapy
· Strength Training
· Range of Motion Activities
- Graston Technique
- Functional Movement Screen, Level 1
· Selective Functional Movement Assessment, Level 1 & 2
· Kinesio Taping
At Advanced Motion Physical Therapy, we believe in providing information and tools to clients/patients in order to prevent injury. We do this performing different screens, along with strengthen/stretching programs, and manual techniques in order to reduce biomechanical compensations that will inevitably lead to injuries.
This service includes:
-Functional Movement Screen
-Graston Technique
An Advanced Method to Decrease Pain and Improve Function
Advanced Motion Physical Therapy offers Graston Technique for injury treatment and rehabilitation. This remarkable procedure allows us to detect and treat areas of “scar tissue” or adhesions in muscles, tendons and ligaments that can reduce our range of motion and cause pain. In the healing process, our body attempts to repair those areas by creating “scar tissue,” much like the scar that forms on the skin when you have scraped or banged your knee.
In time, we can have a build-up of this fibrous scar tissue, particularly in the muscles, tendons and ligaments that get a lot of use. This can lead to pain and dysfunction because this replacement tissue lacks the strength and flexibility of healthy tissue (in some areas it may even mat down and entrap a nerve). optimal health and wellness.
The Graston Technique® allows us to better detect and treat these areas because it uses a stainless-steel instrument that glides along a patient’s muscle, tendons or ligaments, with the right amount of pressure to detect just where the scar tissue or restrictions are located. When these knots or bands of scar tissue are encountered, both the clinician and the patient sense a restriction, almost like a speed bump or a granular feeling. The instrument can then be used to identify and treat areas exhibiting soft tissue fibrosis or chronic inflammation. Stretching exercises are used to promote re-alignment of the fibers into the normal pattern of healthy tissue.
The benefit of the Graston Technique® is not only in detection of restrictions or adhesions, but also in the amount of improvement that takes place in a short amount of time. Remember the song and words “… the knee bone is connected to the thigh bone…”? Well, all of the body parts connected in what is referred to as the kinetic chain. The instruments allow the clinician to follow that kinetic chain, effectively uncovering the cause of the problem, then treating the cause and the area of pain or restriction. The unaided hand is hard pressed to detect and break up as much scar tissue, or follow the kinetic chain, as effectively or efficiently as stainless-steel instruments can. Most patients have a positive response within two to three treatments. Most patients are not disabled and continue to perform their regular functions at home/work. GT decreases overall time of treatment, fosters faster rehabilitation/recovery, reduces need for anti-inflammatory medication and resolves chronic conditions thought to be permanent. If you have not experienced the Graston Technique®, yet you have lingering discomfort or stiffness, please ask us whether you may be helped by this effective treatment.
• Achilles Tendinosis/itis
• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
• Cervical Sprain/Strain
• Fibromyalgia
• Lateral Epicondylosis/itis
• Lumbar Sprain/Strain
• Medial Epicondylosis/itis
• Patellofemoral Disorders
• Plantar Fasciitis
• Rotator Cuff Tendinosis/itis
• Scar Tissue
• Shin Splints
• Trigger Finger
• Women’s Health (Post-Mastectomy and Caesarean Scarring)
The Functional Movement Screen (FMS) is a screening tool used to evaluate seven fundamental movement patterns in individuals with no current pain complaint or musculoskeletal injury. The FMS is not intended to diagnose orthopedic problems but rather to demonstrate opportunities for improved movement in individuals. The screen is designed to place an individual in extreme positions where movement deficits become noticeable if appropriate stability and mobility are not used. Even though individuals are performing an activity or sport at a high level, it has been observed that many of these same individuals are limited in fundamental movement. This leads to the use of compensatory movements in order to achieve or maintain the level of performance needed for the activity. The inefficient use of compensation during movement will lead to poor biomechanics that limit gains in performance and reduces the body’s ability to remain adaptable and durable against the risks of being involved in the activity or sport.
The Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) is a comprehensive assessment used to classify movement patterns, identify regions for further local biomechanical examination, and ultimately, direct manual therapy and therapeutic exercise interventions for patients’ that are in pain.
The SFMA is a system that helps rehabilitation professionals incorporate a movement baseline into their musculoskeletal examination. It simply creates a more pattern-specific perspective of how each individual patient moves in relationship to their anatomical information and their medical diagnosis. However, anatomical information and medical diagnosis are not enough information to prescribe interventions.
The SFMA allows the clinician to identify both movement dysfunction and pain specific to the individual they are assessing. It is easy to see how three back pain patients can have three different movement profiles - each demonstrating different levels of competency with mobility and stability. Likewise, three different total knee patients can demonstrate three different levels of competency with single-leg stance, forward bending, backward bending, and rotation. This identifies the importance of looking beyond the medical diagnosis and/or patient’s structure when formulating the most efficient and effective plan of care. As rehabilitation professionals, we no longer “guess” at the cause of the patient’s pain - the SFMA gives us a complete differential diagnosis. Often the cause of the pain is not the source of the pain.
The SFMA also creates an opportunity for reappraisal. This means, when we treat a specific area of the body and work on a specific impairment, we can quickly see if that intervention changed local movement competency and also had an effect on global, or whole pattern, movement competency. The SFMA acts as a metric for movement and a metric for change - did our intervention actually change movement?
The Kinesio Taping® Method is designed to facilitate the body’s natural healing process while providing support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting the body’s range of motion, as well as providing extended soft tissue manipulation to prolong the benefits of manual therapy administered within the clinical setting.
Latex-free and wearable for days at a time, Kinesio® Tape is safe for populations ranging from pediatric to geriatric, and successfully treats a variety of orthopedic, neuromuscular, neurological and other medical conditions. The Kinesio Taping® Method is a therapeutic taping technique not only offering you the support you are looking for, but also assisting in rehabilitation of injury and physiological dysfunction. The taping has the ability to re-educate the neuromuscular system, reduce pain and inflammation, optimize performance, prevent injury and promote good circulation and healing, and assist in returning the body to homeostasis.
The Kinesio Taping® Method is a therapeutic taping technique which alleviates pain and facilitates lymphatic drainage by microscopically lifting the skin. This lifting affect forms convolutions in the skin increasing interstitial space and allowing for decreased inflammation in affected areas. Based upon research and years of clinical use, The Kinesio® Taping Method specifically applies Kinesio tape based on evaluation and assessment to dictate a specific application. Kinesio® Tex Tape applications can be applied in hundreds of ways and have the ability to reduce pain and inflammation, promote post-surgical healing, optimize performance, prevent injury and promote good circulation and can assist the body’s natural healing process.
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